Beta Glucan and Echinacea Prupurea Supplements
Beta Glucan and Echinacea Prupurea are the key to protecting the health of your body. Boost your immune system with Beta Glucan and Echinacea supplements, both being all natural supplements and your body will reach optimal health. Beta Glucan supplements and Echinacea amplify the production of human cells that reduce potential bodily threats and arm your body against bacteria, fungi, viruses and a number of parasites. When the body's immune system is not functioning properly, the rates of potential problems such as occurrence of cancer and miscellaneous infections tend to increase. According to research from a series of Medical Journals, healthy immune functioning aided by supplements such as Beta Glucan and Echinacea Prupurea promote overall health!
What is Beta Glucan & Echinacea
When used in conjunction, Beta Glucan and Echinacea are a dynamic duo! Clinical studies prove that Beta Glucan works to get rid of the body's harmful cells. In addition, it also boosts the body's ability to rejuvenate the body's immune system by increasing the production of macrophage. According to research, Beta Glucan amplifies the rate of production of both macrophage and B-lyphocytes, which dramatically reduce T-cells. Overall, when tested, Beta Glucan has proven to stimulate immune system function by an outstanding 50%-120% over the course of a 5 day period.
What does Beta Glucan & Echinacea Do
Scientific studies from over a widespread spectrum have clinically proven the effectiveness of Beta Glucan supplements for your body. According to research from credible sources, such as: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Harvard, Tulane, Baylor, McGill, University of California, Duke, Washington, and the Armed Forces Radiology Research Institute, the use of Beta Glucan supplements increase the rate of immune system stimulation. Ultimately, a combination of Beta Glucan and Echinacea Prupurea supplements will amplify the production of macrophage cells, or leukocytes, which are white blood cells. These cells are responsible for protecting the human body by locating and diminishing the rate of harmful cells that exist in the body. In addition to the immune system benefits of this product, research proves the Beta Glucan supplements also reduce the levels of cholesterol in the average body leading to other health benefits outside of boosting your immune system.
The Benefits Of Beta Glucan & Echinacea
- Boosts your immune system
- Stimulates the production of Immune System Cells
- Amplifies T-Cell Activation
- Rejuvenates New Tissue Production for Wound Healing
- Diminishes Inflammation in Arthritis and Inflammatory Skin Conditions
- Superior Anti-Oxidant Properties
- Supplementary Antibiotic Properties
There are a wide range of Beta Glucan supplements available but no other product compares to Global-Supplements combination of Beta Glucan and Echinacea Prupurea, two immune boosting supplements that work perfectly together. Competitors will offer a diminished quality product with only 25% purity, while still others offer an increased-quality product for a smaller serving, specifically one that only includes 50-100 mg. Ultimately, it is impossible to reap the real benefits of this product with a diminished dose size. Research proves that Beta Glucan is the most effective when used at optimal serving sizes, which is 250 mg per serving. Global-Supplements Beta-Glucan and Echinacea guarantees 70% purity and includes an outstanding 500 mg per serving. Our product is the only one on the market that will offer you optimal success rates!
Beta Glucan & Echinacea Nutrition Facts
75 Servings
Total Amount per Serving: 1,000 mg
(Beta-Glucan 1/3, 1/6 500mg)
(Echinacea Purfurea 500mg )
Our Beta Glucan & Echinacea Guarantee
Global-Supplements ensures that you are receiving the most beneficial product for the most cost-efficient price! ORDER NOW!
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